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"Potatoes will grow behind your ears" and 9 other weird things parents tell their kids!

Parents say weird things...



These are strong words, but I'm fairly sure parents, grand parents and guardians do this to their kids everyday!

Whilst giving Lachlan a bath the other night I was reminded of something my mum always used to say to me...

Wash behind your ears or potatoes will grow

"Wash behind your ears or potatoes will start growing there!" I'm fairly sure this always made me giggle and I'd dutifully scrub behind my ears with the flannel chirping that there'd be no potatoes! It struck me that there must be a lot of these odd sayings that parents confidently announce to their children to ensure they do as they're told (albeit for the child's own good!) So I took to Facebook to ask other mums and dads what bonkers statements their own parents made and whether they now use the same ones with their kids today!

Here's what they suggested, and every single one of them is something my mum used to say (except the last one, which I'm fairly sure is actually pure evil!!)

1) Picking your nose.

Don't pick your nose!

I definitely remember hearing this one, classic horror story to make little angels look like little angels in public, and banish the unsightly vision of a child with its finger stuffed right us its nostril!! Thanks to Vikki from Family travel with Ellie for this one!

2) Watching the TV.

Square eyes

It was my Nana in particular that was a fan of this one, I suppose there's some truth to it as looking at screens has been proven to degrade eyesight, plus kids; we can't see through you!!

This one comes from Jade at The Newlywed Site.

3) Picking dandelions.

Bed wetting

Hands up who remembers hearing this one around the playground?! This one comes from Samantha at Chocolate and Wine and I'll be fine.

4) We're all supposed to want curly hair...

Curly hair

This one was definitely used on me, despite the fact my hair was already curly. I used to want poker straight black hair apposed to my strawberry blonde tousles! crusts were my enemy. Thanks to Claire at Dear Mummy Bear.

5) Funny faces.

Pulling faces

Mum and Nana were both fans of this gem!! Thanks to Carol at Family Makes for reminding me of this one!

6) Eh?!

Belly buttons

This one makes no sense and is definitely the most bonkers!! Thanks to Nikki at Yorkshire Wonders.

7) Night vision!

Seeing in the Dark

I still hear this one today!! Great suggestion from Kayley at Friendly First Foods!

8) Quick!

Down the drain

The use of fear to insight 'getting a move on'! Cue squeals of giggling delight as they dive into the towel! this one comes from Mummy Gummie Lisa!

9) And finally...

Ice Cream Van

This one is definitely the cruelest of all!! Poor kids - dreams ruined! Thanks to Alex of Dad FC for this (evil!) gem!

I'm sure there are plenty more where these came from - what ones can you remember and do you use them on your children today?! Let me know in the comments below!!

Mama x

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