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Baby at 6 months old

It's been a while since I wrote a post, for no reason other than I've been super busy being a mummy! As Lochy has grown he's stayed awake longer in between feeds, meaning I fell out of the routine I'd established of writing… But enough about that! I've got some serious catching up to do… On Wednesday Lochy reached the momentous milestone of turning 6 months old! I'm not sure where the time has gone, there was a point in my pregnancy where it felt like I'd been pregnant forever with miles left to go, now all of a sudden he's half a year old!! He's started some solid foods, just a taste here and there, he's a big fan of baby banana porridge, and as I found out today, puréed apple! He says ‘Mama’ (only when he cries, but I'm gonna say it counts!) he can *nearly* sit up and perhaps the most wonderful thing of all; he is such a happy, smiley wonderful little human!! He loves it when I sing, and as we were going to Tiny Talk, (now on its summer break) I do the BSL signs as I sing which he likes, and he has even been known to do the sign for ‘milk’ himself! 

One thing I've started doing is a daily selfie - a photo of me and Lochy which I'll make an album out of, which will hopefully be memories for me to treasure as he grows and one day, for him to look back on too. 

I've also had the honour of having people ask my advise since having a baby, from what signs I had during early pregnancy to beating nausea (which FYI, is impossible) and although I'm obviously no expert it's lovely to talk about my experiences and share in that new mum to be excitement that I can obviously relate to!  

So there's a brief run down as to what we've been up to, in really looking forward to getting back to writing on a regular basis and sharing some of our moments and thoughts with you! 

Mama x

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